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Melody Kari Starlight
Missing Nin Jonin (Hidden Flame Village) Hellcat

Medical half demon Ninja

Posts: 446
Status: Offline
Gender: Female

~Forum Data~
Ryo: 8,000
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Reputation: 100%

Herbs in Forests Regions (23rd May 10 at 10:24am UTC)
Location: They are found within the Forest Region usually around the Summer time.
Preparation: It takes a week of preparation for usage and storage for the herb of Agrimony. The leaves must first be dried, as they would be boiled within a pint of red wine for approximately five minutes. After doing so they must be left to stand for an hour.
Special: Within the Forest Regions there is a thirty percent chance that a user is capable of finding such an Herb.
Description: The Herb reaches at a height from one to two feet high. The leaves are massive in size as they could reach up to seven inches in length, which are serrated, green leaves on the top of the leaf, and white underneath. The flower has yellow flower petals arranged in a spike formation along the top of the stem. When applied with gauze the Agrimony cures, or helps with the healing process of sprains as well as bruises. Some sprains could be stopped within the matter of hours while bruises in a matter of a day.
Drawback: ---
Cost: For one Herb of three usages it costs 80 Ryo within Region, 120 Ryo Outside the Region, 160 Ryo within Opposite of Region.

Location: This Herb is found within the Forest Region usually found within the Autumn Seasons.
Preparation: It takes two weeks of preparation for this to be created for a potion like recepe. The user takes the All-Heal and mixes it in a pint of olive oil. By applying a low boil, allowing it to settle, and giving a low boil for two weeks it becomes ready for usage.
Special: To find this type of Herb there is a seventy five percent chance an Herbalist is capable of finding such an Herb.
Description: A Herb that reaches up to fifty centimeters high spreading in mats. An herb with purple like flowers along the top, small flowers and can be easily identified. Can be applied directly to sores, burns, bruises, inflammations, and hemorrhoids. Internally, it is used for hemorrhage and excessive menstruation. This type of Herb is used for Healing purposes and helps with all sorts of mishaps.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The herb for seven usages costs 100 Ryo within the region, 150 Ryo outside the Region, and 200 Ryo within Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located at a Forest Region around the Spring Seasons.
Preparation: The flowers of the herb must be brewed up on a fire and left to stand.
Special: There is a ten percent chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: Asarabacca is a creeping vine with many small leaves each on their own small stalk. It also has small purple flowers. When administered successfully to someone, they must save vs poison or be rendered docile, and incapable of violence for 80 hours. The brew has a distinctive purple color, and bitter taste, so to be given secretly in food, the food must be able to hide these attributes. This must be roleplayed out.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for two uses costs 30 Ryo Within Region, 45 Ryo outside the Region, and 60 Ryo within the Opposite Region

Location: This Herb can be located at a Forest Region around the Spring time.
Preparation: The bark of the ash tree must be stripped from its branches and boiled in clear water for one day.
[b]Special: There is a fifty percent chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: It should then be drunk as a cure for fevers, especially those caused by diseases such as malaria. It does not cure the cause of the fever but merely brings it under control within 56 hours. Ash leaves should be boiled in water and drunk as a cure for the poison of viper bites (cures poison in 56 turns, any damage already incurred remains). The ash tree has ash grey bark, and black buds. Its flowers have no petals. This must be roleplayed out.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for three usages costs 50 Ryo Within Region, 75 Ryo outside the Region, and 100 Ryo within the Opposite Region

Location: This Herb can be located at a Forest Region around the Autumn time.
Preparation: The leaves of Athelas when crushed over the afflicted person are capable of curing anything that is within stand point of something not to lethal. This would consist of fevers, minor venoms that take days for death, blindness by unnatural causes within a day of time period, headaches and colds.
Special: There is a forty five percent chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: It appears as a vine with dark green leaves divided into four parts.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for four usages costs 2,000 Ryo Within Region, 3,000 Ryo outside the Region, and 4,000 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Atropa (Deadly nightshade)
Location: Found in locations away from direct sunlight, usual in rural or forest areas. Only grows in lime-rich soil.
Preparation: The berries once picked can last up to a week, but they can be bottled with oil to slow the breakdown for up to three months. In order to create a tea the berries must be crushed and boiled. The beverage will last up to three weeks.
Special: There is a 5% chance of finding this plant. It can be confused with other plants as it doesn't have many distinguishing features.
Description: A tall weedy plant, grows a handful of black berries. The berries are amazingly toxic. Just three of them can kill a small person. Death from eating them can take a few days and symptoms include aches through out the body, pale skin with a rash, numbness and extremely dry throat. Nearing death the pulse rate of the person becomes extremely irregular and breathing and sweating become erratic. Aside from this drinking the tea also causes these symptoms but have a strange effect of canceling out genjutsu because of the way the toxic affects the brain.
Drawback: The plant doesn't have a pleasing taste making it difficult to sneak into food.
Cost: 600 in region, 900 outside of region, 1400 in opposite region.

Location: This Herb can be located at a Forest Region around the Summer Seasons.
Preparation: Takes three hours for this to be prepared for usage. It must be brewed in water, and then drunk three days later.
Special: There is a thirty percent chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: Belramba is a lichen. If used successfully, all nerve damage capable of healing naturally will be healed, at three times the normal rate.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for one use costs 600 Ryo Within Region, 900 Ryo outside the Region, and 1200 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located at a Forest Region around the Spring time.
Preparation: Takes five days for this to be prepared for usage. The dried herb should be boiled in water and the infusion drunk. It is used to cure minor fevers such as those caused by chills, and influenza. It will relieve the fever in 27 hours.
Special: There is a thirty percent chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: This plant has hollow, hairy cylindrical stalks which grow to a height of 1 to 2 feet. It has drooping flowers, red or blue in colour, which are shaped as a five pointed star at the top of the stem.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for one use costs 10 Ryo Within Region, 15 Ryo outside the Region, and 20 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Cat’s Tail
Location: This herb can be located at the Forest in Summer.
Preparation: This her requires one week of preparation. Long thin spear shaped leaves rising from its base must be dried and grounded. Atop the plant a single long, thin, soft flower at the top of the stalk needs to be dried and grounded as well.
Special: 70% chance of finding if in the proper area
Description: When turned into a salve this herb has the capability of healing all damage to a person’s heel.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for five usages costs 20 Ryo Within Region, 25 Ryo outside the Region, and 30 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This herb can be located at the Forest at all seasons.
Preparation: None
Special: 45% chance to find if in the proper area
Description: Chervil is used to dissolve blood clots, which can help to prevent complications caused by injury.
Drawback: Consumption may result in a wound not clotting properly.
Cost: This Herb for one usage costs 15 Ryo Within Region, 20 Ryo outside the Region, and 25 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This herb can be located at the Forest in Summer and Spring.
Preparation: None
Special: 75% chance to find if in the proper area
Description: Anyone who chews on the flowers before drinking will remain sober for the entire evening.
Drawback: Its effects protect only against alcohol, and not against any other drug or toxin.
Cost: This Herb for five usages costs 60 Ryo Within Region, 75 Ryo outside the Region, and 90 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Cow Parsnip
Location: This herb can be located in the Forest at all seasons.
Preparation: Preparation is tedious and difficult as it takes up to six full weeks. Tiny hair like follicles on the herb must be individually collected and stored in a dry area.
Special: 5% chance to find if in the proper area
Description: Cow parsnip hairs will cure madness for a short period (a few hours).
Drawback: Effects may no longer be as potent after three uses.
Cost: This Herb for one usage costs 1000 Ryo Within Region, 1500 Ryo outside the Region, and 2000 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located at a Forest Region around the Autumn time.
Preparation: None
Special: There is a forty percent chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: These tiny yellow flowers will, if eaten, cause dimness of the sight for several hours. This dimness means that in full light the character will see as if on a moonlit night. This herb does effect those with infravision or ultravision.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for one use costs 30 Ryo Within Region, 45 Ryo outside the Region, and 60 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located at a Forest Region around the Winter time.
Preparation: Takes one hour for this to be prepared for usage. The bark of Delrean should be boiled into a paste and then smeared on the skin.
Special: There is a eighty percent chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: It will then repel any insect from coming near the recipient. It is effective for 126 hours.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for four uses costs 30 Ryo Within Region, 45 Ryo outside the Region, and 60 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Elvish Galingale
Location: Found in frigid, polar climates during the spring/summer months within the dense forests.
Preparation: Takes one full week, one must boil the roots and let stand until time has elapsed.
Special: 40% chance finding in polar climates within a forest.
Description: Grows to a maximum of 4 feet, with small grass-like leaves that grow upon a triangular stem. An excellent supplement for a patient who is extremely cold, hastening the blood flow and warming the body.
Drawback: If the person is bleeding, internally or externally when the roots are ingested, the wound will double that rate of blood loss.
Cost: 80 Ryo within region, 100 Ryo outside the region, and 250 Ryo in opposite regions.

Location: Temperate and subtropical forests.
Preparation: Dry the flowers, then boil them in white wine, let stand for three weeks.
Special: 65% during summer in forest zones.
Description: A delicate plant with many white flowers, Fetherfew stands at one and a half feet tall. When the flowers are dried and boiled in white wine, the resulting mixture can cure vertigo in the user for twelve hours by stabilizing the inner ear.
Drawback: If drunk prematurely can disturb the user’s sense of balance for twelve hours.
Cost: 20 Ryo in region, 30 Ryo outside region, 40 Ryo opposite region for three uses of herb

Garden Flax
Location: Available in Forest regions during the spring and summer
Preparation: 2 weeks. The seeds must be boiled in water for three hours, and then left to sit in it for a week. After that they are to be removed, and left to dry in the sun for the remaining time.
Special: There’s a 55% chance of locating this herb.
Description: The brown seeds of this herb (which has deep blue flowers) if chewed remove all pain from a characters wounds. It will also prevent a character from feeling anything. He could walk through a fire and feel no pain. It was widely believed in medieval times that if the seeds of this plant were strewn across a vampires path the vampire would be unable to proceed further, until it had counted every seed.
Drawback: There is a 10% chance per hour that a character moving normally will suffer damage while under the influence of this herb. This occurs because the character does not notice minor bruises or scratches.
Cost: 30 Ryo within region, 45 outside, and 60 in the opposite.

Goat’s Rue
Location: Forest regions during the summer
Preparation: 2 weeks for the flowers to dry completely.
Special: 60% chance of locating this herb.
Description: This herb will cure poison if ingested within one hour of the poisoning. Any damage already taken, including death, remains. Goat's Rue grows to about 3 feet tall. It has hollow branches and pale whitish blue flowers that hang down in spikes. The flowers must be dried before use.
Drawback: -
Cost: 60 Ryo within region, 90 outside region, 120 in opposite.

Golden Lungwort
Location: Forest region during the summer.
Preparation: 1 week. The herb is to be boiled in water, and then left to dry completely in the sun.
Special: 80% chance of locating this herb.
Description: Golden lungwort has large oval leaves, covered with small hairs, and small pale blotches. It grows to a height of about 1 foot, and has small bell shaped flowers with five petals which change colour from pink, to mauve to blue. Flowers of different colours are often found on the same plant. This herb heals the ears of all aches and pains.
Drawback: -
Cost: 10 Ryo within region, 15 outside region, and 20 in the opposite.

Hart’s Tongue
Location: Forest region year around.
Preparation: None, can be used as is.
Special: 10% chance of locating this herb.
Description: This fern resembles a deer's tongue, hence its name. When a single frond is eaten, it serves to immediately decrease the recipients libido for 4 days. For this reason it is often of value to those undertaking a vow of celibacy, or who must be away from their loved ones. It does not diminish performance in any way, merely desire.
Drawback: -
Cost: 20 Ryo within region, 30 outside, and 40 in the opposite.

Location: Forest region year around.
Preparation: 2 weeks. Roots must be stripped, and the plant left to dry for the timeframe.
Special: 75% chance of locating
Description: This herb increases a character eyesight for 3 turns. They are able to see twice as far. Hawkweed has oval leaves, covered with small hairs on the underside, and green on the top. These leaves surround the plant at the base of the stem, and small yellow flowers tinged with red at the tips.
Drawback: -
Cost: 40 Ryo within region, 60 outside, and 80 in the opposite.

M.K.Starlight *

The lost one whom is being controlled.

In this world I see what others can't or wont see. I try to fix there problems before my own that's why they call me a protector, but what happens when I need saving?

Melody Kari Starlight
Emma Rosemary Winchester
Melody Kari Starlight
Missing Nin Jonin (Hidden Flame Village) Hellcat

Medical half demon Ninja

Posts: 446
Status: Offline
Gender: Female

~Forum Data~
Ryo: 8,000
Chakra: 5000
TP (Training Points): 5500
CP (Craftsman Points): 500
$ Money $: 500

Reputation: 100%

Re: Herbs in Forests Regions (23rd May 10 at 10:27am UTC)
Location: This herb can be found in the Forest.
Preparation: None
Special: There is a 50% chance this can be found in the correct location.
Description: If the crushed Kelventari berries are applied to a burn within one turn on its infliction it will heal 3 quarters of all damage caused by the burn, no matter how much damage was taken.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The herb for 1 use costs 200 Ryo within region, 300 Ryo outside the region, and 400 Ryo within the opposite region.

Location: This herb can be located with a Subtropical climate in the Forest Region during the Summer and Autumn Seasons.
Preperation: None
Special: There is a 10% chance this can be found in the correct location.
Description: The Kylathar or Changeberry is a strange plant indeed. Anyone who eats the yellow, soft, plum sized fruits instantly has two random stats exchanged; Strength with Speed, Endurance with Stamina. The bush itself grows about 2 metres high, with long, dusty green leaves, which are slightly sawed. The flowers grow in groups of 4 to 8, and are yellowish white with orange edges. The flowers grow in late spring, the fruits are ripe in autumn.
Drawback: Eating more of the berries will simply cause more stats to be randomly exchanged.
Cost: The herb for 1 use costs 40 Ryo within region, 60 Ryo outside the region, and 80 Ryo within the opposite region.

Location: During the Summer, Autumn Season, this can be found in Cold Forest regions
Preparation: None
Special: There is a 10% chance this can be found in the Autumn, Summer in Forest Regions.
Description: Laishaberries, also known as fruit of silence, grow on dark green, knee-high bushes. The leaves of the bushes are hard and waxy, and stay on long into autumn, sometimes even into winter. Concealed under the leaves, the red, cherry sized berries grow. In spring and early summer, the bush grows small, fragrant, wax blue flowers. The berries, which are equally fragrant, begin as hard white fruits, turning soft, red, and juicy as they ripen. The berries taste quite bland themselves, although they can be used to add a special taste to all kinds of jellies. When ripe, the berries can be eaten raw, will speed the recovery from most diseases. However, they will also render the eater mute for 20 minutes for each berry eaten. Also, if more than 5 or 6 berries are eaten at a time, the user will suffer from stomach cramps. A jelly made from the berries themselves loses both the healing and silencing capabilities (and the danger of cramps) of the fresh berries, but the curative effects for most diseases is doubled.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for twenty usages costs 200 Ryo Within Region, 400 Ryo outside the Region, and 800 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Land Caltrops
Location: During the Summer Season, this can be found in Tropical Forest regions
Preparation: 2 Weeks of preparation
Special: There is a 60% chance this can be found in the Summer in Forest Regions.
Description: If applied to a snake bite within one turn, it will draw out the poison. Some very venomous snakes give bites that are incurable by this method, and so the herb has no effect against `instant death' poisons. It may provide protection against other, non- fatal animal poisons.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for one usages costs 50 Ryo Within Region, 100 Ryo outside the Region, and 200 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: During the Spring Season, this can be found in Temperate Forest regions
Preparation: 4 Day
Special: There is a 10% chance this can be found in the Spring in Forest Regions.
Description: This is a green plant with small red flower, which are renowned for their healing properties. These flowers can be eaten fresh or dried for later use. If not dried they will become useless within 1 week. The flowers can also be brewed over a very low heat in fresh water to produce a `potion', which can be drunk for its healing effect. When consumed, the herb will, heal medium cuts with fresh leaves, small cuts using dry leaves, and large cuts using the brew.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for one usages costs 5,000 Ryo Within Region, 10,000 Ryo outside the Region, and 20,000 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: During the Spring Season, this can be found in Temperate Forest regions
Preparation: Four Weeks of Preparation
Special: There is a 40% chance this can be found in the Spring in Forest Regions.
Description: The root of this herb sends the recipient to sleep. The sleep will last five hours, during which time the person cannot be woken except by a neutralise poison. The root is said to bear a resemblance to the naked male form, hence its name. The plant has several dark green leaves which are about 1 foot long. The purple flowers of the plant are bell shaped. The root of the plant must be boiled on the night of a full moon and left to sit for an entire month before use.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for 3 usages costs 50 Ryo Within Region, 100 Ryo outside the Region, and 200 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This plant can grow anywhere that has soil. It's very hardy. It chooses to grow in areas such as forests and grassland.
Preparation: A simple sun drying preparation will keep nettle for up to 3 months. For tea use the nettles should be boiled and strained. The very tips of the nettle can be eaten fresh. If picked freshly and ground into a paste it can be used as a coagulant to slow bleeding.
Special: The herb is actually covered in tiny glass like hairs that cause a burning rash when touched. Very special care is to be taken when collecting them, gloves would be wise. There is a 40% chance of finding this herb.
Description: The plant looks much like a leafy green weed, though with closer inspection you can see the fine hairs along the leaves. Once picked it remains fresh for two days, then becomes dried and is only useful for tea. The tea is mild but not filling. The nettle is also a good weapon against enemies that aren't familiar with it.
Drawback: Eating the plant raw could turn out very painful. Also if not prepared properly it can cause lots of burning irritation. If the nettle stings sensitive areas (Eyes, mouth, between joints and fingers) the pain is far worse.
Cost: 20 in it's own region, 30 outside, and 50 in opposite regions.

Location: This herb can be located in the forests of grass country during winter.
Preparation: No preparation
Special: There is only a one percent chance of finding it during winter in the forests of grass.
Description: This is a herb used to increase the healing rate of the one injured. It is a red branched bush that is a light red(pink) with light blue leaves. The bushes grow about 5 feet in the air.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for five usages costs 12000 Ryo Within Region, 18000 Ryo outside the Region, and 24000 Ryo within the Opposite Region

Location: Found in any forest
Preparation: Must have the seed to sit in alcohol for six weeks and then drunk
Special: A forty five percent chance to be found in the forest during the summer.
Description: This herb is used to cure yellow jaundice(which is the yellowing of the skin). The herb is about three to four feet in height. It has a whitish stalk, pale green leaves and greenish-white flowers.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for five usages costs 20 Ryo Within Region, 60 Ryo outside the Region, and 100 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: Found in the forest during summer
Preparation: let it dry for three days
Special: A twenty percent chance of finding it in the forests during the summer
Description: The root of a small, shrub-like plant with dark green, shiny leaves and thorns. It is used as a pain killer/ muscle relaxer. It works against moderate pain but it works better if the victim is asleep.
Drawback: Makes the victim extremely sleepy.
Cost: The Herb for five usages costs 100 Ryo Within Region, 150 Ryo outside the Region, and 200 Ryo within the Opposite Region

Location: Found in the forest areas during summer
Preparation: 1 day
Special: There is a twenty percent chance of finding it in forest areas during summer
Description: This dark-colored root grows on a plant distinguished by its waxy dark green leaves. It is boiled until the root becomes soft(roughly one day) and it is then like a soup. The victim then inhales the aroma of the soup to eliminate congestion.
Drawback: ---
Cost: Ther Herb for five usages costs 500 Ryo Within Region, 750 Ryo outside the Region, and 1000 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Rose Campion
Location: Found in the forest areas during summer
Preparation: Three weeks
Special: There is a eighty percent chance of finding it in forest areas during summer
Description: This plant is an almost black plant it has dark blue stems with purple thorns and brown leaves. The plant is dried for three weeks before eaten. After it is eaten it will protect that person for three day against one of any type of poison.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for five usages costs 1000 Ryo Within Region, 1500 Ryo outside the Region, and 2000 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located at a Temperate Climate at a Forest during the autumn and winter seasons.
Preparation: Smash the leaf of the herbs then placed in boiled water for 5-6 minutes then place in the sun for an hour.
Special: There is a 50% chance that it will be found in a Temperate Climate at a Forest region during winter and autumn time.
Description: raises attributes and increase of chakra and strength.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for five usages costs 110 Ryo Within Region, 115 Ryo outside the Region, and 130 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located at a Temperate Climate at a Forest during the autumn summer and winter seasons.
Preparation: Smash the leaf of the herbs then applied to wound.
Special: There is a 29% chance that it will be found in a Temperate Climate at a Forest region during winter summer and autumn time.
Description: Increase the speed of healing time on small wounds such as cuts made but kunai even paper cuts and eternal bleeding.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for five usages costs 50 Ryo Within Region, 100 Ryo outside the Region, and 110 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Scented Mayweed
Location: This Herb can be located at a Temperate forest areas during the summer seasons.
Preparation: Smash the leaf of the herbs then boil in hot water for half an hour.
Special: There is a 22% chance that it will be found in a Temperate forest region during summer time.
Description: Can make blindness disappeared, make color blindness changes as well and blurry visions are gone.
Drawback: ---
Cost: The Herb for five usages costs 280 Ryo Within Region, 300 Ryo outside the Region, and 310 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Spanish Nut
Location: Temperate and subtropical forests.
Preparation: N/A
Special: 80% chance to find year round in temperate and subtropical forests.
Description: Spanish nut is a small, circular herb, with a green core and brown markings around the leaves. The whole herb is miniscule, and can be fit in the mouth. If chewed and swallowed, the herb will act as an immensely powerful aphrodisiac. The user will be unable to do anything but pursue the opposite gender (or same for homosexuals) relentlessly for an hour.
Drawback: Impairs the user’s judgment and makes the susceptible to seduction.
Cost: 100 Ryo in region, 550 outside region, 1000 Ryo opposite region for one use of herb.

Location: Cold forests.
Preparation: Dry and grind into tincture.
Special: 20% chance to find during Autumn in cold forests.
Description: Suaeysit is a dark black mushroom, with grey markings on the underside of the cap. If eaten directly or used as a tincture, Suaeysit causes a rush of energy, mental clarity, and good cheer in the user for an hour. Afterwards, the user is fatigued and unmotivated for a further hour.
Drawback: Very addictive if used in improper dosages.
Cost: 100 Ryo in region, 300 Ryo outside region, 500 Ryo opposite region for one use of herb.

Sweet Trefoile
Location: Temperate forest.
Preparation: N/A
Special: 60% chance to find during Spring or Summer in temperate forest zones.
Description: Sweet Trefoile is a wondrous herb, shaped rather like a feather with white streaks along the single, large leaf. If part of the leaf is consumed, it will promote the regeneration of cells damaged by falling or blunt weapon trauma, healing them with two rounds.
Drawback: Cannot heal wounds of other natures, can cause temporary loss of sense of taste for several days.
Cost: 600 Ryo in region, 1200 Ryo outside region, 1800 opposite region for three uses of herb.

Location: Tropical forest regions during any season
Preparation: 4 weeks. The leaves must be plucked and left to soak in distilled water for the timeframe.
Special: There is an 85% chance to find this herb.
Description: this simple herb has the ability to quench thirst.
Drawback: This does not re-hydrate the system; the user just will no longer feel thirsty. Therefor, a person can still die if not given water.
Cost: 20 Ryo within region, 30 outside, and 40 in the opposite.

Location: Temperate forest regions during the summer.
Preparation: None, may be used as is.
Special: There’s a 20% chance to locate this herb.
Description: A bushy climbing vine with tubular yellow flowers, the leaves and flowers of tempin can be boiled and made into a poultice that will draw out poisons from bites and stings and allow the wound to heal cleanly and without complications. If the flowers are eaten, the user becomes immune to poisons that are C-rank and below for 1 hour. After being consumed, wounds will also heal a bit faster for the next 24 hours.
Drawback: -
Cost: 50 Ryo within region, 75 outside region, and 100 Ryo in the opposite region.

Location: Temperate Forest regions during the spring.
Preparation: None. Simply pick and apply.
Special: There’s a 75% chance of locating this herb.
Description: The leaf of this plant must be applied to the site of nerve damage. If successful, the rate of healing for such damage will be doubled on each day of use.
Drawback: -
Cost: 20 Ryo within region, 30 outside, and 40 in the opposite.

Throw Waxe
Location: Temperate Forest regions during the spring and summer
Preparation: 7 long weeks are needed to prepare this herb properly. It must be simmered in water for the first two weeks, and then left in a place where sunlight can reach it for the next five. At the end of this time frame, the herb is to be mashed into a paste and applied.
Special: 45% chance of locating this herb.
Description: If applied every week, this herb has the power to heal any scars in a year.
Drawback: -
Cost: 20 Ryo within region, 30 outside, and 40 in the opposite.

Location: Temperate forest regions during the autumn.
Preparation: 1 day boiled in water. The liquid is then drunk.
Special: 90% chance of locating.
Description: The clove of Thurl must be brewed for one whole day. When the mixture is drunk it will restore a small amount of chakura - enough for a single D-rank technique.
Drawback: -
Cost: 10 Ryo within region, 15 outside, and 20 in the opposite

White Bryony
Location: This Herb can be located with a Temperate Climate at a Forest Region around the Autumn Seasons
Preparation: Put the herbs in a small jar filled with water up to half and then warm up the bottom up to a point that the water will start boiling. One must keep inhaling this steam until there is no water left.
Special: There is a 5% chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: Once inhaled, the steam of this herb speeds up the healing process of the lungs. They are white flowers with five star-shaped leafs on every plant. Grows up to 5 centimeters.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for five usages costs 70 Ryo Within Region, 160 Ryo outside the Region, and 270 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

M.K.Starlight *

The lost one whom is being controlled.

In this world I see what others can't or wont see. I try to fix there problems before my own that's why they call me a protector, but what happens when I need saving?

Melody Kari Starlight
Emma Rosemary Winchester
Melody Kari Starlight
Missing Nin Jonin (Hidden Flame Village) Hellcat

Medical half demon Ninja

Posts: 446
Status: Offline
Gender: Female

~Forum Data~
Ryo: 8,000
Chakra: 5000
TP (Training Points): 5500
CP (Craftsman Points): 500
$ Money $: 500

Reputation: 100%

Re: Herbs in Forests Regions (23rd May 10 at 10:29am UTC)
Location: This Herb can be located with a Temperate or Subtropical Climate at a Forest Region around the Autumn Seasons
Preparation: Mingle the flowers to a point where liquid comes out. Directly apply that liquid on the wound.
Special: There is a 8% chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: Once smeared over a wound it almost completely numbs the nerves causing pain in one specific area. Small flowers growing out of other trees, usually with hundreds at the same spot.
Drawback: The placed this is used on will be numb for a couple of minutes.
Cost: This Herb for five usages costs 100 Ryo Within Region, 200 Ryo outside the Region, and 400 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located with a Temperate Climate at a Forest Region around the Summer Seasons
Preparation: Mingle the stern without the flowers to a point where it is almost powder. After that boil the flowers in hot water and add the wet flowers to the powder. After that it all has to be mingled again with constantly adding water until a sticky paste is created.
Special: There is a 63% chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: Once this paste is smeared on something it will repel snakes for 3 full days. It has pink flowers with a red stern and green leafs on the bottom. Reaches up to 50 centimeter.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for five usages costs 10 Ryo Within Region, 20 Ryo outside the Region, and 25 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located with a Temperate Climate at a Forest Region around the Spring Seasons
Preparation: Cut a leaf open and directly placing it on the wound.
Special: There is a 44% chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: When cutting them open and placing these herbs on an irritated place or wound it will relax the nerves and ease the pain. The herbs are big leafs of a tree that can reach up to 3 meters in height. The leafs can grow up to a 30 centimeter in size and is yellow-ish green in color.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for five usages costs 30 Ryo Within Region, 50 Ryo outside the Region, and 70 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Location: This Herb can be located with a Temperate Climate at a Forest Region around the Summer Seasons
Preparation: The leafs are put in boiling water for an entire hour. After that they are put in a small bottle and consumed when needed.
Special: There is a 23% chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: These herbs cure up to C-ranked poisons entering the body. Will take 1 minute for it to work. Purple flowers all hanging around one stern. Reaches up to 30 centimeter.
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for five usages costs 50 Ryo Within Region, 60 Ryo outside the Region, and 100 Ryo within the Opposite Region.

Young Lad's Love
Location: This Herb can be located with a Subtropical and Temperate Climate at a Forest Region around the Summer and Autumn Seasons.
Preparation: The berries of the plant are mixed in a small bowl with the crushed leafs and then put the bowl in almost boiling water for an hour. After that they have to be mixed with water and put back in the almost boiling water for another hour. The potion is now finished but it needs to be used while its warm. (Re-warming it is possible, make sure the potion isn’t hot)
Special: There is a 19% chance that this herb can be found within the Forest Region.
Description: The potion is poured in a small bowl and after that the part of the body that has frostbite must be put in the bowl for 15 minutes. Make sure the liquid is and stays warm. (Again, not hot) The Young Lad’s Love is 50 cm tall and has grey-blueish leafs in the shape of four-pointed stars..
Drawback: ---
Cost: This Herb for five usages costs 40 Ryo Within Region, 70 Ryo outside the Region, and 100 Ryo within the Opposite Region

M.K.Starlight *

The lost one whom is being controlled.

In this world I see what others can't or wont see. I try to fix there problems before my own that's why they call me a protector, but what happens when I need saving?

Melody Kari Starlight
Emma Rosemary Winchester
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